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Good wonderful, beautiful morning to all the Lords saints.. The Lord revealed to me the beginning of this year the mark of the beast on the forehead were thoughts and the mark on the hand was actions---

Catherine Webb

January 28 ·2017

I have never been one that has been given direction by the LORD to follow the stories about the RFID chip-- This is what I have been shown and may all take this to the Lord for themselves--- He keeps showing me the mark that is on the hand and forehead is a spiritual mark that the hands (actions) and the mind (thoughts) will do and this is bowing down to the beast--Do not allow the spiritual mark of the beast to take place either by thoughts or by actions--

Following the Lord and seeing what is happening in and by HIS Spirit we are much further along in HIS prophecy than many believe .

As with all things take EVERYTHING to the Lord for yourselves and ask HIM alone for confirmation that cannot be denied.. I am only a messenger and give and say what HE shows and tells me... I am nothing more than an obedient faithful servant to HIM----

In the following days HE has shown me He will teach us more about our 1000 year reign with HIM---

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