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PRAISE OUR KING FOR TEACHING US ALL THINGS----- This morning HE had me wait before coming and writing HIS message to us---- As I waited to hear HIM and EXACTLY what HE wanted to share HE spoke "TELL THEM WHAT MY KINGDOM IS NOT, MY KINGDOM IS NOT MAN MADE, MY KINGDOM IS NOT CONFUSION, MY KINGDOM CANNOT BE FOUND BY FOLLOWING MAN, MY KINGDOM IS POWER , MY KINGDOM IS MOVEMENT, MY KINGDOM IS SPIRIT AND NOT FLESH---" The Lord then reminded me of the tower of babel and how man tried to reach the heavens mans way and the confusion it brought--- Too many people following their own thoughts and opinions and not enough hearing and seeing by the Spirit of the Lord... We should not be following any one person and we should not be listening to many voices-We should be focusing on fine tuning our hearing and sight to hear and see the ONE true GOD...IT IS WRITTEN are the most important words in my vocabulary for it makes me seek what is written, then when I see and know what is written in the Word of God I can move by HIS power in HIS KINGDOM to accomplish what HE wants done upon the earth. I AM is HIS name and HE is everything when we allow HIM to be.

My prayer for all of us today is see what is WRITTEN in HIS word and get to know HIM for ourselves. When we do this HE will lead us into HIS KINGDOM living.

May the peace of the LORD be upon us this day.

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