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I have set the LORD always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

What a wonderful amazing Lord we serve and one that loves us and protects us from all the evils in this world--- I know NOTHING without HIM, I am NOTHING without HIM--

As I go to HIM this morning I share with you in real time where HE leads----HE saves us from destruction-HE saves us from the times ahead when we are rooted and hidden in HIM--Stay focused in HIS written word and do not believe every spirit that comes along.

I had to test some things this morning for I know what the LORD has given me for my assignment, As I prayed over something that was given to me as a word I did not sense the HOLY SPIRIT on it or in it. I saw it as something to get me distracted from the assignment the Lord gave me yours ago and that I am walking out today. What was given me to me on November 2 2013 was this----DREAM 11/2/2013 3:40 AM I dreamed I was preparing royalty for a wedding-I was sought out for preparation and answers to the royal Linage-I also was showing others ways of escape when traps were set.

Since this time the Lord has me constantly in HIS written word--This does not mean others do not have different assignments and their warnings are any less meaningful, it may be in time I will hear from the Lord and remember the word given, although at this time I do have to stay on course with my assignment and trust the Lord do do all HE has told me and shown me in the past---- EVERY WORD THE PROCEEDS FROM HIS MOUTH------Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God---I cling to the lord and HIS words as life themselves.

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