These are the only words I hear when I seek Him-- For the last 7 days or so I sought and listened and all there was, was silence. This morning the Lord nudged me to come to Him so i rose early, in sitting and seeking all He showed me were verses that the prophets are being silenced before the people. Different scripture about Him not giving visions or dreams any longer.
HE also led me through HIS word that HIS people are to leave the dry places and move forward, not to go back to those places where HIS name is not considered HOLY. So few will leave the dry ground for we water and water but the soil rejects the living water..
"Run to safety MY bride" is what I just heard , "for the great and terrible day is upon the earth. They refused to listen, they refused MY remnant and now I will go to them no more."
Then HE was silent once again..........