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The number 12-Tribes,Kingdom Authority,Stones The time is NOW

By the instructions of our Lord and king JESUS I am re-posting this again---Lord may the ears hear and eyes see that you have chosen to see and hear at this crucial time in YOUR KINGDOM--- We serve a mighty and just GOD--- He says write these words down and keep them in front of us-for the enemy is going to come in all the more and try and take the authority just released upon us away-- but His words are the truth and the enemy is a vapor of smoke. 7/9/2015 Word 07/09/15 at 4:08 AM I am showing you the number 12 and I am showing you that I had 12 tribes and I am showing you that there are 12 apostles and 12 stones- I am showing you all of the things for you need to know and understand as i know and understand--I have called you for a specific purpose and none have I found worthy enough to give these keys to. The heart of My Father is in you- you will rule and reign in my Kingdom because you speak MY truth in love- The 12 is my completeness and my authority it is governing.. But you do not care about the position you only care about pleasing ME-i will show you how to live like I walked in this earth for the time you are here--i do this so MY people will be safe. The number 12 is also the hour i will be coming the 12th Hour..... Keep watch for i have been given the keys to open all the mystery's as needed at the appointed time.. Who is worthy... the lamb is worthy. AMEN--Selah

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