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This is not WWIII this is the final battle of good and evil like I have said would come---Many seeing this as a world war but they are wrong it is the final war that is to be fought that I have told you about,

‎Catherine Webb‎ to Harvest Time Survival Forum

October 23, 2017 ·

WHAT DO YOU THINK THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON WILL LOOK LIKE? ASK THE LORD TO REVEAL TO YOU FOR IT WILL NOT LOOK LIKE MANY THINK-THE BATTLE IS IN THE SPIRIT FIRST THEN MANIFEST UPON THE EARTH--- WHERE DO YOU RESIDE? Do you think because all seems quiet and still that the LORDS words will not come to pass? have you listened to what HE has said through many of HIS prophets? -Did you prepare ? Do not let others deceive you into thinking that the LORD does not have HIS remnant in place to warn and prepare-- We do so for we love the Lord first and then because we love the people.

Catherine Webb October 23, 2016 at 9:12 am · I was having a conversation with the Lord this morning as I was praying and humbling ourselves as a nation He spoke right away- HE said this is a war between good and evil. These are the last of the last days. That is all HE says. take all to the Lord and ask for confirmation and ask which side you choose.

The Lord showed me laser targets of land here in America--Specifically CA, Then HE said many areas will fall under HIS judgement and be wiped out for they did not repent,instead they mocked HIM and HIS people.....HE then said some areas in CA will be a safe haven and not be touched for HIS mercy abounds.

I do not bring anything that is not given to me by the Lord and much of what I bring has been shown to me over the years for an appointed time-- Take all things to the Lord to know what you should do in this time at hand...

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