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ARE WE WALKING ACCORDINGLYWe are told that we have a covenant with Him and we will not need to look to others for HIS teachings for we will know HIM and obey all...
WHY STAY INSIDE HIS GATES?On the news the other morning I saw a title of a song called "Santa's coming for us" The Lord quickened in my spirit "NOT SANTA BUT...
HOW DOES OUR KING SPEAK TO YOU?For the last two mornings the Lord has softly called me to HIM and said "MY BRIDE"..... This is so important to understand our...
MY BRIDE SAYS COMEWhat wonderful words to hear HIM say this day.... HE is thinking of HIS bride and HE cares for her and loves her... HE hears her call to...
LET US SEE WHOM ELSE THE WORD SAYS WE AREAnd thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give...
THE BEAUTY OF MY LORDThe Lord gave me the title, now I seek HIM and HIS beauty for this day----First HE says that in a world filled with such darkness and...
The Blessedness of Dwelling in the House of GodI had a dream last night, I was in a house and I could see many rooms from one vantage point. I could see around the corners and see each...
Gross darkness covers the earth, but we shall shine in and by the LORD--For HE alone shall be seen iWe carry one another and the Lord confirms all things through each other--- As I sat and waited on the Lord and HE brought me to this...